Queen Sucks

Queen Sucks

Queen is a fitting name because this band royally sucks. Arena Rock is just another word for pandering on as huge a scale as possible. Write two jock jams and coast on filler. Way to go, guys. Maybe next time you can do one about a cat pissing?

Half this band’s “biggest fans” know ten of their songs and they only even really like five of those, so what gives? Wait… Is Queen actually music? Or is this something else… Huge crowds of people, stomping their feet and chanting… Something about this is familiar…

Also, Brian May is a nerd.


The Misfits Suck

The Misfits Suck

Now that everyone’s decided the entirety of October is Halloween Month, we’re seeing way too many people who find it acceptable to not only walk around wearing Misfits merch but actually listen to their atrocious music. So, surprise, The Misfits suck!

And if you are somehow operating under the delusion that The Misfits do NOT suck, your musical standards are not where they need to be. This fails on every level except “I like it because it’s terrible and I like terrible things because I’m different.” Oh, wait, they called their band Misfits….

Led Zeppelin Sucks

Led Zeppelin Sucks

The band that committed every crime in the Rock & Roll Rule Book…

If there’s been a worse influence on rock vocalists than Robert Plant, please remember that Janis Joplin is too annoying to even think about, let alone bring into this conversation. Someone should really go back and look at how much the transmission rate of STDs in middle schools rose every year that Jimmy Page toured the United States. John Bonham is a legend among people who get excited about things like hitting stuff real hard. And you’ll just have to listen to the episode to hear what we have to say about John Paul Jones a.k.a. The Other Guy in This Band.

Rightly panned by critics at nearly every point of their career, loathed by their peers, perpetrators of the actual worst radio ballad of all time – Led Zeppelin Sucks!


Nine Inch Nails Sucks

Nine Inch Nails Sucks

This is the McDonald’s of goth culture. Goth Daddy Too Buff (a.k.a. Trent Reznor) has been cashing in on teen angst for thirty freakin’ years. Think about that for a second. This is a 50-year-old man who’s monetized temper tantrums. Give us a break.

Mark likes to refer to Nine Inch Nails as “Ministry Jr.” because NIN rips off Ministry so hard that they even went through a phase of being an extremely campy new wave project before getting all dark and dressing like it’s Mad Max out here. Oh, but then there’s Skinny Puppy… And New Order… And, just, come on, Nine Inch Nails sucks.


Smashing Pumpkins Suck

Smashing Pumpkins Suck

First of all, this isn’t a band. It’s Billy Corgan going into a studio and recording 100 guitar tracks per song, then whispering half his vocals before eating a bunch of broken glass and recording the other half. You’re not Kevin Shields, man. Chill.

Next, this episode contains a shocking revelation about the music of Smashing Pumpkins. It’s honestly so important that it could end up in the viral news cycle. But until Buzzfeed rips off our insights, you’ll just have to listen to the episode to hear it.

The Smashing Pumpkins suck.


The Doors Suck

The Doors Suck

The Doors are the musical equivalent of a 20-year-old who’s taken five guitar lessons and one philosophy class. That’s gonna seem pretty far ahead of where you are when you’re 15. You’re not 15. Stop listening to this band.

This is also a great example of why automatically respecting your elders is such an inherently stupid concept. How are we supposed to respect the generation that let this band become one of the most overhyped bands to ever exist?

The Doors suck.


The Smiths Suck

The Smiths Suck

Everyone likes The Smiths because it’s super impressive that Morrissey, clearly a deaf man, can approximate singing, right? Also, guess what, it ain’t just Morrissey. This entire band is the worst.

Are The Smiths influential?


Are any of the bands they influenced good, like, even a little bit?

Absolutely not.

Go back in time, make The Smiths not happen and everything that happened later instantly gets 10% better. Duran Duran were a better band and it’s not even close. Get ready to get sad about how much The Smiths suck.

P.S. This episode featured a small clip of The Smithsfits, which is better than The Smiths and The Misfits combined. Go check out The Smithsfits on Soundcloud!


Steely Dan Sucks


Steely Dan Sucks

Listen up, Danfans. You’ve been wrong and you always will be wrong until the moment you admit that liking Steely Dan is the audio equivalent of enjoying the smell of your own farts.

Steely Dan sucks.

Nothing about this is as interesting as you think it is. You might as well track down the studio musicians who make all the Goldman Sachs elevator muzak and pretend like they’re the greatest thing ever because that is literally all this is.

By the way, never let yourself be alone in a room with someone whose favorite band is Steely Dan. Trust us.

The Beastie Boys Suck


The Beastie Boys Suck

The Beastie Boys not only suck but are also perhaps the single most annoying gimmick in music history. It is jaw-dropping that this made-for-frat-boys cultural theft happened and that critics somehow fell in love with it.

It’s as if three people were sitting around wondering how stupid any single musical act could possibly be and this is what they came up with. If that’s what happened, wow, they nailed it. It doesn’t get much worse than this.

More like The Bullshit Boys.

Fleetwood Mac Sucks

Fleetwood Mac Sucks

Fleetwood Mac is a trash fire. Nobody even really likes this crap, they just think they remember liking it. Revisit those “classic” Fleetwood Mac albums for lessons in trash songwriting, hilariously bad singing and probably the worst production ever heard in a #1 album.

Is it any wonder a band full of terrible people made terrible music? Lindsey Buckingham apparently never recovered from being named “Lindsey” cuz this beta dude is the definition of fragile masculinity. The perfect creative force for a band full of drug-addled narcissists who can’t stop screwing each other and screwing each other over.